Greg Schlangen This is not about rights. It is about minimizing the risk of death to a vulnerable population. So much for compassion and helping your fellow man. Just one more case of someone wanting their 15 minutes of fame. Just because you can does not mean you should. The deaths related to this virus are real and many have lost loved ones.

Jennie Wells Hughes I’m a southerner so I appreciate his theatrics. WHICH CELEBRITY DIED TODAY- DEAD - OBITUARY agree with him to some degree. But I’ll be watching the pastors I know and follow to see how God leads them. I’m praying for smart leadership in the church!!

Kitkat Fugett No legislative entity within the US can do because it's unconstitutional. The person who wrote the order should be in federal court for breaking a constitutional law.

Mary Lou Lovell God bless this Pastor. He is right to take a stand to preserve our religious liberties. Dr David Pawson Death - Dead : Dr David Pawson Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown is the most essential part of every community.

Tattoo Artist Lance Brieschke a.k.a Larry Da Leopard Death - Dead : Larry Da Leopard Obituary : Larry Da Leopard Cause of Death Unknown.

guitarist Dani Robinson Death-Dead: guitarist Dani Robinson Obituary, Cause of Death :

Susan Rothenberg Death-Dead: Susan Rothenberg Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown.

Chuck - Chaz Henline Death - Dead : Chuck - Chaz Henline Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Chuck - Chaz Henline Death - Dead :  Chuck - Chaz Henline Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

lanaye kohn Death - Dead :  lanaye kohn Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

anwar zayden Death - Dead :  anwar zayden Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Kaykayes Baby Deaths-Dead  / Obituary :Kaykayes Baby may have passed away.

hunter huson Deaths-Dead  / Obituary : hunter huson may have passed away.

El Chino Antrax Dead :Chino Antrax and Sister Ada Jimena Antrax Found Dead in Mexico.

brian conklin Deaths-Dead  / Obituary :  brian conklin bridgewater nj may have passed away.

Ashley Kajewski Death - Dead :  Ashley Kajewski Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Dr David Pawson Death - Dead :  Dr David Pawson Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Ex-PSG player Jordan Diakiese Death - Dead :  Jordan Diakiese Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Matthew Baraniuk Death - Dead :  Matthew Baraniuk Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Samwel Uko Death - Dead :  Samwel Uko Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Mike Russell Death - Dead : Mike Russell Obituary : sioux falls sd

Heckys bbq Owner Hecky Powell Death - Dead :  Hecky Powell Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Zac Bertschy Death - Dead :  Zac Bertschy Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown

Fitness giant Mikayla Kingman Death-Dead: Mikayla Kingman Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown.

David Clark Ultra Runner Death - Dead : David Clark Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown https://celebritiesdeaths.
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